Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins 2009

Sadie helping get all of the seeds and guts out, what a good helper!

My two favorite people with our cute pumpkins!

The bat and the butterfly!

Tonight we carved our pumpkins, one of my favorite Halloween activities. It is funny that I love to carve them because I am really not that good at it. I usually do the scraping out and Devin does the carving, but this year I had to carve Sadie's for her! We decided to do a bat, I guess just for Halloween and then a butterfly which is what Sadie is going to be for Halloween. We set Sadie up on the table, so that she could help and she was in heaven. I thought she would want to get down or stand on the table, but she just sat there and helped. She was fascinated watching Daddy cut the pumpkins and then amazed as she looked inside. When Devin took the tops off she hurried to look over the edge inside and then looked up at us amazed with what she saw. Then she got excited as I started the pull all of the seeds and guts out, which actually is my favorite part. She is definitely my daughter because I think this was her favorite part too, she took a big spoon and was trying to help. She looked kind of shocked when I let her play in the guts and seeds, looking at me like mom you usually tell me no when I get into messy stuff! Then as Devin and I carved she sat and watched and sucked on the chunks we cut out, that's okay right because pumpkins are edible?! It was a fun night , Devin did an awesome job carving (thanks for carving ours Sweetie!) and Sadie liked it a lot more than we had anticipated. Happy Carving and Happy Halloween!


Ford Fam said...

It won't be the same with out you guys there!

Emily and Seth said...

How fun! That is so cute that Sadie loved carving pumpkins so much. Seth hates the guts part, and thinks it's the most disgusting. But I think it's the best part too.