Friday, August 21, 2009

9 Months Old

So I am a little bit behind on blogging......Sadie was 9 months a couple of weeks ago, but I am finally getting around to documenting it! I can not believe she is this old, I always tell Devin that I want her to stay little forever, but she just keeps growing - I am loving this age. She doesn't seem to feel the same way because she is in a hurry to do everything. We went to our doctors appointment and Sadie kept showing off by standing up not holding on to things, walking around holding on to the furniture at the office and Dr. Witt kept saying, "Sadie what's the hurry." Needless to say she is our little active mover! She is standing up on her own, walking around holding on to anything that will support her (including other kids which I think scares some of the other kids because as she uses them to stand up sometimes she pulls their pants off! I am trying to stop that - We are working on it), and she is crawling all the way upstairs by herself. She was 18 lbs 7 oz (45%) and 28 1/2 in (83%), as for now she is tall, we will see how that pans out because when your mom is 5'1" I feel like she doesn't have a great chance at being tall.
Here she is with her Mohawk that daddy gave her in the bathtub. We seriously don't know what to do with her hair, but we love it. Her hair is crazy in the back, always sticking up like a rooster! I love when she wakes up from her nap and I go in because I never know what her hair is going to look like. As you can tell from the picture she loves taking baths and playing with her toys in the tub. After we get her undressed she crawls as fast as she can to the tub and stands by the side just bouncing with excitement waiting to get in. The bathroom is probably her favorite room in the house because she has discovered the toilet paper and thinks it is the best toy ever invented.

Everything goes into her mouth, somehow she seems to find the smallest piece of paper or leaf or whatever and puts it directly into her mouth. I can always tell when she has something because she sits and stares at me knowing she has something she should not have. I love that she has a guilty face, I hope that comes in handy in the years to come! She still just has the 2 bottom teeth, but that still does not stop her from biting everything! Her favorite word to say is still "DA DA", I love hearing her say it, it is so cute! Occasionally we get "na na" and "ma ma", but not that often, not often enough for me. Her little voice is too cute, I could listen to it all day.

She is still a good little eater. We finally got her a highchair and she loves it. Her favorite foods are; sweet potatoes, bananas, banana bread, yogurt melts, graham crackers, teething biscuits, and nutri grain bars. She eats anything we give her, we are so thankful! We gave her a salt and vinegar chip the other day because she really wanted it thinking that she would hate it. She licked it, made a hilarious sour face and then squealed with delight, she loved it! I can't believe the things she will eat. I gave her a bite of ice cream for the first time the other day and after her first bite she went "mmm", it was so funny! The picture above is her in her highchair with her teddy. She has started having days where she wants to take this teddy bear with her where ever she goes. That day she really wanted it to sit with her while she ate lunch!

This last picture is of her at her new favorite spot, the bottom of the stairs holding on to the gate. She would climb the stairs all day if we let her, so sometimes we have to put up the gate. She just waits at the bottom holding on until we take it down again, what a funny girl. I love being a mom and I am especially grateful everyday to be Sadie's mom. I can't wait for the next 9 months to see what adventures we have in store, we love you Sadie!

1 comment:

Ford Fam said...

She is so old! I love love love the bath picture. So cute!