Monday, March 16, 2009

4 Months Old

Sadie was 4 months old a couple of weeks ago, but life has been busy and we went to Seattle, but I wanted to make sure to blog about it. She is 13 pounds 8 ounces (43rd percentile), 25 inches for height (74th percentile), and 16 1/3 inches for her head (63rd percentile). She is a healthy little girl, who would have thought that I would have a tall baby!!

As you can tell by the spit on her face she loves, loves, loves sucking on her hands, and in the picture below you can see her doing it! You can usually find me with a burp cloth! Lately it is really hard to get a picture of her smiling, she is either sucking on her hands or she is really concerned with the camera and so I can not get her to look at me so that I can make her smile. But I promise you she is smiling and has started to giggle and laugh all of the time. She is ticklish on her little feet and her legs. I think her laugh is the cutest thing I have ever heard, it instantly brings a smile to my face. She so close to rolling over from her back to her stomach, she has started to even kick her one leg to see if she can get the momentum to roll over. I think she will any day now!

We have started to realize that she is a studier. She really studies people before she becomes comfortable with them, she will just stare until she decides she is ready to give you a smile. She loves watching people go by and just watching the world. As you can tell from the picture above her hair is coming in and it sticks straight up, we love it. She loves to talk and pretty much just yell out loud, lately she loves to lay on her back with her fingers in her mouth and just yell and hear her own voice. When she wakes up she will talk to herself and then you can tell when she is ready for us to come in because she will be talking then let out a little yell and then go back to talking. I feel like she is yelling, "Hey Mom, I am in here, come play!" Then when I go in her room I get the biggest smile, like she is saying, "You heard me!" We are loving this age and often I tell Devin, I don't want her to grow up, I just want her to stay small forever! We love you Sadie!

1 comment:

Ford Fam said...

When did she get so big! She doesn't look so little any more and looks so grown up! It is sad when they start to get older, but it just gets more fun with each new thing they do!