Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sadie is 2 1/2!

Sadie, I can not believe you are 2 and a half, how did you get so big. You are about 28 lbs and getting bigger everyday. You make us so happy, you are cracking us up all of the time. You are talking non stop most of the time, my favorite things that you say are; sunbean (sunbeam- Jesus wants me for a sunbeam is your favorite song and you know all of the words), o-gurt (yogurt - you sound german), and elfanant (elephant). Other than that you say most words perfectly, you are constantly saying words and phrases we didn't even know that you knew.

Your favorite activities going to the park, feeding the ducks, swimming (you are going to swim lessons right now), swinging in the backyard swing, going to the zoo, going to Popi and Grandmas houses, and pretty much anything that involves your cousins. Your favorite toys are defiantly your Disney princesses, you are always changing their clothes, taking them in the bath and washing them, packing them in purses and taking them to the store with us - saying that you love them is an understatement! You are also loving your play food lately, we are having a lot of picnics with you making us special things with your food. You are also playing with your stuffed animals a lot lately. You take them for wagon rides, give them birthday parties, and put them down for naps. You love watching movies, if it is a Disney movie, you like it! Your dad and I just love watching you and seeing what you will come up with next- you are so creative!

You are definitely stubborn or as I like to call it, determined. If you get your mind set on something you are not going to give up until you get it. Right now it is a bit of a challenge for your dad and I, but I think eventually it will be a good quality for you to have. As for now we are trying to pick our battles with you and determine how to make you a little more flexible, grandma says that I was just the same way.

You love your grandparents, you call them Popi and Grandma with Kosi and Popi and Grandma with Horses. You are always asking when we will get to see them again or go to there house again. I think they love you just as much as you love them and can't wait to see you too!

You love to sing and dance. You always want the Disney Princess CD on, you know all of the songs and are always asking for certain ones. You love to sing in the car and I love to listen to you, it always makes me happy!

You are such a special little girl and love your little brother. You have really loved having him join our family. The only time you get bugged with him and is when he is eating and I can't do something with you. You love watching him smile and always want to help give him a bath. You are a good little helper and such a good big sister!

We love you so much and are loving watching you grow! Thank you for always loving us and for helping your daddy and I learn and grow. We are so blessed to have you in our family.



1 comment:

Melissa said...

So sweet, Heather. She will love having this someday. Motherhood goes way too fast. Maybe it's childhood that goes too fast. Motherhood lasts forever. :) Enjoy each day. Missing you all.