Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Wonderful Mother's Day!

My mom, Sadie, Grandma and I before church on Mother's Day in front of our house- I love this picture of us! We had a wonderful Mother's Day! My day started out great with Devin and Sadie letting me sleep in, that always makes a day a little bit better. Then they made me breakfast and gave me a hanging basket and a homemade card from Sadie. Then my parents and grandparents came up to our house to go to church with us. It was fun to have visitors with us at church and to have a few more hands to manage Sadie. Church is during Sadie's nap time and everyone kept saying that since she was always moving that if she stopped then she would fall asleep! Then after church Kyle, Val and the kids and my cousin Hannah and her husband Michael all joined us for a barbeque in our backyard. Devin and I decided that for our anniversary, mothers day and fathers day, we would combined it all and get one big gift. We got a patio set and barbeque. We love them and it was so fun to have everyone together at our house. We have a big tree in our backyard which gives a lot of shade, so it was perfect weather for the evening. We had a great day and thanks to our family for coming to us! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful mother who is kind, caring, loving, supportive, fun, and considerate. Thank you for being an amazing mom and example to me, I love you so much. I am truly grateful to be a mother, I feel blessed everyday to be Sadie's mom!


Ford Fam said...

It was so much fun and I love your house! We had so much fun outside too, Carson still asks when we can go play hide and seek at Sadies.

Angela Dougherty said...

What a great picture of you gals. I'm so glad that you had a great mother's day, it always feels nice to be appreciated. We're going to be in Utah in July and would love to see you!!