Wednesday, February 3, 2010

15 months - Crashing, Dressing Up and Dancing!

Crashing! (of course with her giraffe)
Dressing Up!

Dancing! (and dressing up)

Sadie is 15 months old as of last week and I can't believe how old she is! She is SO much fun and we are loving her to pieces. She is talking a lot more these days, she says; dog, mama, dada, grandma, bea (bear), uck (duck), gan (again), more, bye, hi, no, wow, uh oh, and I am sure more, but that is all I can think of at the moment.
She is so animated and excited about everything these days. She gets so excited about the littlest things which I love, like letting her drink out of a glass (even though I only put a tiny bit of water in it and she just spills it all over herself), and letting her eat with her spoon (she wants to feed herself all of the time now which gets pretty messy, but I have a system that works where I have a spoon and so does she so she gets some food in)!
She has a become a one nap child these days and I am really liking it. It was getting really hard to get her to go down for her naps, so I decided to switch to one and now she just crashes and is so easy to get her to sleep.
She has discovered dressing up and is loving it! We started to brush her teeth and so I sit her on the bathroom counter to do this, well she then discovered all of my stuff! She wants to put on my jewelry, headbands, bracelets, and much more! We are having a lot of fun! In the last picture she even has my bathing suit bottoms on around her neck like a necklace, which is one of her favorite dress up items! She is cracking my up and I can't always get my camera fast enough.
We also have a dance party about everyday! Her current favorite CD is Lady Antebellum, I try the Disney CD's, but she says "No, No, No" and shakes her head because she wants Lady Antebellum - it cracks me up! Then when the music gets going she gets movin- she usually wants us to pick her up and spin her, etc. She also likes dancing in her sunglasses, which she just discovered from last summer and keeps them on the whole time! She loves dancing with all her stuffed animals and we have a blast everyday dancing it up!
She is getting so big so fast and I can't believe it! She is becoming really strong willed and determined. Some days it's her way or no way and that doesn't really fly with me. Like the other day we had our first public melt down in Old Navy, with kicking, screaming, and a lot of anger because she had to get back in the stroller after she kept running away! It has been pretty fun! My mom says I was the same way, so Devin in blaming me! I am just hoping she tones it down a little bit! I like that she is independent and doesn't give up when she wants something, but I also like it when she listens to me! We shall see what the near future brings!
We love our little Sadie and are SO LUCKY that SHE IS OURS!


Me said...

She is so beautiful Heather! You must have so much fun everyday. You are a great mom. Can't wait to see you for Gpa's baptism!

Ford Fam said...

She looks so old! Where did baby Sadie go?